Counselling Centre

Student Enrolment and Transfer Requests

Communications regarding enrolments and transfers can be directed to; attention Student Services.

Initial conversations will need to include the ages and grades of the incoming students as well as whether the enrolment request lands within the catchment area. All students registering at Brocklehurst Secondary School need to complete the Enrolment Form (this must be printed on legal sized paper). Use your home address to find your catchment school with School Locator and School Boundaries Map tools.

In order for the registration to be processed, we require the following to be delivered in person to the school:

  1. Enrolment Form,
  2. Child's birth certificate or passport,
  3. Child's BC Services Card
  4. Proof of  address (we may ask to see one or more of the following:  Driver's licence, municipal/federal correspondence, financial/residential documents or a utility bill) to verify your address and to confirm catchment area is within the boundaries of Brocklehurst Secondary School.

Please note that for students joining us from other countries, there are different document requirements for those attending under a parental work permit or a parental study permit. Please refer to School District No. 73 Administrative Procedure 300, Ordinarily Resident Students.

For more information on registering a student at Brock Middle School, please visit the Register At Brock page.


Curiosity   |   Compassion   |   Courage

The counselling team at Brocklehurst Secondary School can support students and families through a variety of options, interventions and planning tools.  We provide many key services to support mental health and academic success. Our goal is to promote, provide, and support student well-being as advocates of mental health, relationships, and personal development.

Want to Speak to a Counselor?

If a student wishes to speak to a counselor, an appointment will need to be made via the Student Services / Counselling Secretary during daily school breaks. Appointments will typically be made for a few days out; however, depending on urgency, the counselling team may be able to accommodate same day visits. Please note that crisis situations may result in appointments needing to be rescheduled.

Students are assigned to a counsellor based on the first initial of the student's last name. 

  • Mr. Chow (students A-K)
  • Ms. Reddeman (first semester students L-Z)
  • Mr. Cimmarrusti (second semester students L-Z)

How Can a Counselor Help?

The role of a school counsellor includes school-based consultation, co-ordination, and education in a safe and judgement-free manner. The school counsellor does not discipline, but rather helps in the development of effective behavioural change. Brock's counselling team can provide a continuum of preventative, developmental, remedial, and intervention services and programs and facilitates referrals to community resources.

This link will give a more detailed overview for both in-school and in-community supports: Brock Student Services


All conversations between students and counsellors are confidential; that means that they do not share detailed information without permission from the student. Counsellors take their commitment to confidentiality very seriously. There are some circumstances, however, that they are legally obliged to break confidentiality for student safety. Counsellors will always inform students when they have to break confidentiality and discuss options with them. 

Brocklehurst Secondary School Course Selection 2024/2025

We are dedicated to delivering education programs that connect to students to their interests, support student needs, enhance critical and creative thinking, and inspire students to strive to become their best selves! Brock Secondary has many academic opportunities to offer students including Hockey, Aquatics, Dance and the Health Science Academies. Brock also works hard to connect our students to the diverse SD73 Trades and Transition opportunities. 

We are committed to ensuring that students' future opportunities are well supported and well-planned during their secondary school years. Course selections are integral to designing an education program that enables students to become their best selves and attain greater future opportunities. Click here for the 2024/2025 Course Selection Catalogue


We hope that you will choose your elective courses carefully. We expect that once students have made their choices, they need to be prepared to complete their courses. Only under special circumstances may a student be permitted to change a course. Your counsellor may consider a request for a course change if this is made early in the semester; however, these changes are dependent on available spaces in classes. Some classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment. A change may ONLY be arranged by the student’s counsellor and with the approval of the administration and parents/guardians.


Brocklehurst Secondary School is proud to offer the Health Sciences Academy for students in grades 11 and 12. The Health Sciences Academy will allow students to explore and experience a range of in-demand, public sector health care occupations. Through this exploration, students will have the opportunity to connect their interests and passions to numerous health career experiences with an emphasis on hands-on learning. 

Details on applying for the Health Sciences Academy can be found here:

The Trades and Transitions Coordinator at Brock Secondary is Matthew Leclerc: HERE.

Please access the following link to the School District 73 Trades & Transition website for more information:

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